Becoming a Certified Technician for Duct Repairs in West Palm Beach, FL

If you're looking to become a certified technician for duct repairs in West Palm Beach, FL, there are a few steps you'll need to take. The first and most essential is to obtain a high school diploma or GED. This is a must-have requirement for most training programs and licensing exams. If you have already graduated from high school, you'll be in a better position to start your professional training. Palm Beach State College (PBSC) offers a Professional Certification Program training certificate for those who complete their learning.

This program provides the knowledge and experience that drive the green industry in Palm Beach County. It covers topics such as testing and diagnosing duct systems, repairing and installing duct systems, duct design and upgrade strategies, and more. Additionally, some PBSC programs require an application for an additional program to be submitted once you have been accepted. Most of Palm Beach's state certifications can be used as a stepping stone to the FNGLA certifications of the same name. Working with construction industry partners, PBSC has designed two programs that prepare students for a successful career in construction management.

The college also offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to train marine service technicians in accordance with industry standards and practices. The skills gained as an HVAC technician will make you a valuable employee for contractors, direct selling establishments, hardware wholesalers, commercial equipment repair and maintenance companies, grocery stores, home HVAC repair and replacement companies, and even aerospace manufacturing companies. Professional certification is increasingly important in the green industry, and PBSC offers three college credit certificates in gardening and horticulture. At PBSC, students learn all facets of this global industry and prepare for careers in hotels, restaurants, resorts and spas, tourist attractions, convention centers and more. Courses in this program can be transferred to PBSC's Applied Science in Supervision and Management degree program. Finally, PBSC offers an online HVAC training video series that prepares technicians to gain basic knowledge about heating and cooling duct systems.

This 3.5-hour course aims to provide practical knowledge of heating and cooling duct systems, an understanding of the main issues related to efficiency, comfort, health and safety; and practical advice on the diagnosis, installation and repair of duct systems.

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